This community of believers and disciples from within the Family of Parishes aligns itself with the vision of St. Michael the Archangel which is:
Saint Michael the Archangel Family of Parishes aspires to cooperate through grace to form disciples of Jesus Christ who desire to be saints.
Our particular vision and goals are as follows:
Our goals are to plan and discern what opportunities to effectively evangelize lie before us.
We will collectively agree that the purpose of all we do is to make disciples, and we are willing to evaluate all things on that basis.
That we can pray together so that our mutual concern for one another is felt first so that when differences arise, they can be handled in charity and truth, and we can minimize injury or the promotion of agenda.
Evangelization – Sharing the Gospel of Christ by proclamation and witness to fulfill the Great Commission and its call to Baptize and guide.
Catechesis – Apprenticeship and Religious Instruction that initiates, teaches, and deepens one’s relationship to the Truth (aka Jesus) as revealed by Scripture, Tradition, and Magisterium (Why we live it and how we live it from the Catechism)
Who is invited?
Anyone who is invested in Adult Evangelization, Formation, and Discipleship. Whether you are a doer, or a thinker, or a visionary, we invite you to join us.
When do we meet?
We meet on the last Monday of the Month in September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and May. The meeting moves forward one week when competing with a holiday or Holy Day. We normally gather at Mary, Help of Christians at 7 to start in Adoration and then we go to the undercroft for the remainder of our meeting.
If you are still able to join us, we will gather for Adoration at 7pm at MHC and then head downstairs at 7:30pm for the meeting. Please see the attached for the agenda for tonight. I'm freshly back...
Friends, after talking with the leader for tonight, we deemed it best to postpone to when I am back from leave (11/25). I'm sorry for the inconvenience and I am grateful for your patience and...
Friends, due to illness I would like to ask you to reschedule for 11/11/2024. We'll double check MHC availability with Julie and confirm the location soon. If you have not had a chance to pilot the...
Meeting Reminder September 30, 2024 | at Mary, Help of Christians Please join us for the Adult Discipleship Team meeting at 7pm at Mary, Help of Christians. Michael Barclay is leading the meeting...